We provide a dedicated telephone helpdesk service giving you immediate access to an IT professional offering a quick diagnosis
and server fix. Alternatively, we can
arrange for an onsite engineer call-out. We document the configuration of every server supported, the majority of which are constantly monitored under our standard contract arrangements. Naturally, due to the negative impact of a
failing or failed server on an organization, our IT professionals’ priorities
are to respond quickly to any server issues .For clients that simply require the monitoring service we can provide full-time support in the event of illness or holiday cover.
Our server support engineers have
years of experience working on hundreds of server systems of varying size and complexity. Moreover, our support experts have access to state-of-the-art maintenance software and system applications. We keep
ahead of the curve on server architecture, research and development, so you
don’t have to. This all adds up to reduced costs, aggressively increased
performance, effective disaster prevention, and speedy problem resolution.