Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP) was established in Kuwait in 1972 at a time when Intellectual Property protection was still in its early stages of development in the Arab world. In spite of this, and since its inception, AGIP has remained at the forefront of efforts to improve the infrastructure of Intellectual Property in the region.
AGIP has worked closely with Arab governments and multilateral organizations to develop an effective system for Intellectual Property (IP) that has resulted in significant regional changes.
AGIP has assisted governmental committees and officials in drafting new laws and regulations regarding the application of IP rights in several Arab countries such as Bahrain, Lebanon, Yemen, Oman, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates.
This commitment to protect IP is strengthened through co-operation with international organizations, including the World Intellectual Property Organization and the World Trade Organization, in addition to non-governmental organizations such as the International Trademark Association, the International Society for the Protection of Intellectual Property and the International Federation of Intellectual Property Lawyers (Attorneys). AGIP also funds NGOs such as the Arab Society for Intellectual Property and the Licensing Experts Society - Arab Countries.
The new system encourages major multinational companies to invest in the region with confidence. It also encourages Arab professionals such as engineers, architects, artists, designers, scientists, musicians and authors to innovate with the appropriate protection.
In coordination with the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Arab Society for Intellectual Property and the World Trade Organization, AGIP has organized and sponsored training courses for members of the judiciary and district lawyers in several Arab countries. It also published numerous innovative materials on IP, including the English translations of all Arab intellectual property laws and the publication of an IP dictionary incorporating, for the first time, a comprehensive list of definitions of specific intellectual property terms used in the Arab world.